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“Thank you Nick Kenny for a brilliant presentation starting in a really engaging way that allowed our students to be hooked from the opening and really connect with your story and your three strategies” - Thomas Koularis, Year 11 Adviser, Strathfield Girls

“I found Nick to be a very engaging and well-articulated speaker. His seminar was entertaining whilst being informative and to the point. I look forward to applying his advice to my daily routine and believe that it will make a difference for the better” - Kaitlyn Chiha Student, St Pat’s Marist College Dundas

"I really endorse him as a public speaker for your year groups" - Cameron Gordon, Head Teacher Well-Being, Epping Boys High

“Extremely helpful and knowledgeable to both my mental and physical health. In this stressful time it’s very difficult to stay on top of things. I feel motivated and less stressed knowing that things will get better and that people have gone through similar things as me, overall it was a privilege attending today's seminar" - Anthony Azar, student, St Pat's Marist College, Dundas

“Nick was really good and seemed genuine and kind. He gave information that was useful and told me things I didn't know previously about services made available to kids" - Student, Asquith Boys High 

It was a very helpful seminar, you provided us with steps to not only help ourselves but also help others through this difficult time. You certainly demonstrated to our cohort today that despite all odds, everybody has the chance to gain control of their life and do what makes them happy. All the best!” -Mia Boulous, Student, St Pat's Marist College, Dundas

“Very inspirational. Motivates me to work better and improve" - Student, Strathfield South Girls

“It was amazing how someone can turn their life around so much. It doesn’t feel that scary anymore" - Student, Strathfield South Girls

 “I found Nick Kenny's presentation to our year 11 students the most exciting and engaging session we have had online. Nick's style of imparting information is energetic, charismatic, and moving. He shares his story in a sensitive, yet dynamic manner that teaches how to turns heartbreaking setbacks into awesome opportunities" - Natasha Sekelja, Student Support Officer, Willoughby Girls High

“Nick’s presentation was engaging and provided very relevant information to our year ten group as part of the Life Ready program. The feedback I received from students was unanimously positive and would have him back to present every year if possible” - Gary Monahan, Head Teacher Stage Five, Cherrybrook Technology High 

"Nick's life is extremely inspiring and his presentation was one of the most engaging one ever. Thank you!" - Student, Willoughby Girls High

“Inspired me to the moon and back!" - Student, Willoughby Girls High

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